Tutorial 8...
Microsoft program Word is a common program used by many people around the world for all sorts of purposes. The main purpose that I use Word is to type up essays and assignment related purposes for university. In Today's tutorial task we were asked to compose a letter using Microsoft Word and explore the variety of functions that the program has to offer a person who uses it.
Part 1... Part 1 of the exercise involved Opening, Typing and Saving your work. We typed up a letter and modified it to our own personel situation.. I based mine around applying for a job as a Japanese teacher at Merrimac State High School. I stated that I had completed a Bachelor of Arts in Japanese degree and a Masters of Education.. which is not true but will be in the future.. but for the excercise's sake i did.. This part of the tutorial was fairly easy and normal to do and there was no problems with unerstanding Adama's directions..
Part 2... Part 2 of the exercise involved Bolding, Italics, Underline and Bullets. These functions we used were just to emphasize our letter and point out our good points about ourself for the job. no problems with this part of the exercise..
Part 3... Part 3 of the excerise used Headers, Footers and Double Spacing. Once again these functions enhance the letters appareance making it more professional.
Advanced Part 1: This sections was fairly easy to understand and following the instructions. I had never known about Track Changes before and it was interesting to note that this function of word exsist.
Adavanced Part 2: Mail Merge..hmm..not my favourite part of this excerise..I have always had difficulty working out this function of Word..and yet my inability to understand and work it out prevails..i tried but couldn't work it out..Q4 of this section was the beginning of the end in this section..haha
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