Lecture 5....
Unfortunately, I couldn't make it to Today's lecture as I had another migraine. I think it's from looking at the lecture screen and staring at the computer screen for far too long during the past week. Adam I think your are right, I'll need to go and get my eyes checked and probably get glasses. So because I wasn't at the lecture, it leaves me in a bit of a pickle you see...How am I suppose to write a Lecture Summary when I have not been to the lecture and there is no notes posted...hmmm...well this left me with one option..to read my fellow classmates blog entries on the lecture...from the sounds of it, it was a very interesting lecture.
This lecture was taken by guest lecturer Mr Jason Nelson whom discussed "Net.Art and Digital Creativity." I had a bit of a search for him on the internet and discovered these interesting website about himself and what he does for a living. http://secrettechnology.com/ Wow..is what I have to say. The range of art work online is amazing. The digital presences that he has created are amazing and I highly recommend anyone to visit his site.
According to my fellow classmates blog entries, Jason discussed the internet being used as a tool for many things, including; marketing products and online stores (Ebay.com), gambling online, porn distribution, woes of internet secrurity, 'gimmicks' of the internet and so forth. The internet seems to have taken over even the most simpliest of things in life. For example buying Pizza, you can order your pizza online and have it sent to you, instead of ringing up on the telephone and physically going and picking up your pizza. Wish I was at this lecture....
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