Thursday, 30 November 2006

Course Overview

Course Overview...

Overall I think that this course, Communication and Digital Technology was pretty interesting. There were moments there though that were difficult to understand and comprehend. No offense to guest presenter, Pro Steven Stockwell, but some of the concepts that he discussed in relation to his Virtual Philosophy lecture, was difficult to wrap my head around. However, from what I did get out of his lecture was very interesting. Something I must read from him is "The Military-Entertainment Complex: A New Facet of Information Warfare". I'll get around to it one day..
I think Adam has done a wonderful job during this course and it was great that he organised for guest lecturers like Prof Steven and Jason Nelson to come in and speak on their topics. Also Adam showing movies like, Animatrix, Warriors of the Net etc to give the students a better understanding of the lecture topic of the day. This way of presenting new topics really works and should be continued.
The tutorial excercises for this subject were very useful and very different from the old 'dead tree' way of learning in other subjects at university. There is no lugging around books and heavy bags for this class, this I see as another positive to the course. The tutorial excercises were very relevant and very interesting to do. I never knew that 3D Chat worlds exsisted, now I'm addicted to Thanks Adam..haha.. I really have learnt a lot from these tute exercises and postings about the lecture on my Blog. It is really good to see that all my other fellow classmates as well feel the same about this course. There isn't really isn't anything bad to say about this course except, Good Job Adam and nice blogs!

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