As part of this subject, during Summer Semester might I add, I am required to set up and maintain a blog as part of my assessment. I think it quite a good idea and something different compared to the other more traditional style of University assessment. I thought about using my MySpace site as my blog but then it would just get too confusing as to why I was getting all techinical and talking about this subject when my MySpace is something more personel and a hobby.... So I've decided to keep it simple and separate and create my own blog and use a total different site to keep the confusion on the low. I have though..If your interested of course..linked my MySpace to my Blogger site so you can have a little look-see..it's not great but I'm working on it..
So to introduce myself to you Adam (My Lecturer, Course Convenor, Assessment marker etc etc) and fellow classmates...My name is Erin and I'm currently undertaking a Bachelor of Arts in Japanese degree. I have only 6 months left to go and then I'm looking at undertaking a postgrad degree, preferably Master of Arts in Linguistics or a Master of Education...So therefore at the end of my Uni-ing days, or should I say YEARS... I can become a Japanese teacher and/or an English Teacher to Speakers of Languages other than English... And then i'll be heading to Japan for a couple of years with my partner, to teach english..and then probably England for a while...See where the road takes us...
Absoluetely Love to Travel, when I get a chance..I've been to a few places in the world but there are so many more countries to go...So far to date i've been to New Zealand, Vanuata, New Caledonia, Singapore and Japan...Longest time spent in one country was Japan...I went and studied at Okazaki Josei High School, Aichi Prefecture..which is about the middle of Japan, for those whom don't knwo too much about Japan...but yeah, had a great time there, travelled a lot and will be back after final graduation...
So that's a little bit about me for an introduction...Will write a little bit later about Adam's lecture today....
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