Tutorial 6 was based on the second section of Photoshop. I really want to use photoshop for this excerise, however the computer lab we were in for our tute did not have Photoshop program downloaded onto the computers..so it was a bummer and I have had to make do with using poxy Microsoft Paint program instead...I would have had fun with some of the people in the pictures. Like removing Nicole and Paris's heads and putting them on donkeys or something like that for the friendship section, cause they always make an asses out of themself being friends... Just silly stuff like that I wanted to do...I tried to download a free 30-day Trial of Photoshop but it didn't work on my computer at home and then when i tried to download it at Uni I got to 99% of the download completed and then....Bang!!!..You have used up all your student download and you cannot use the internet anymore and you are Negative -$11.57....Great hey....How am I suppose to do the excerise when I don't have the program..I was getting all stressed and then..yeah Poxy Microsoft Paint we were able to use...
So in the end I have used Microsoft paint for this tute excericse. I found the program was fun to use for this exercise, but I also found it very limiting in what you can do to alter photos, as you can see.
So the following were the categories we had to use:
- friends
- high-tech
- news
- summer
- games
- Successful
- celebrity
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